Haunted Hills Now Available

I recently completed the second book in the Miskatonic University series, Haunted Hills.

It takes off where Witch Tower ends and you’ll get the answer to your burning question: who and/or what is Ally’s grandfather, the elder Wilmarth.

Haunted Hills fully explores H. P. Lovecraft’s theme of “Yuggoth” and borrows from his short story “The Whisperer in the Darkness.” It’s equal parts fantasy and science fiction.

It was great fun writing this sequel and I hope you enjoy it. You’ll be stuck with another question at the end of Haunted Hills. It will be something to look forward to in Devil Reef—book three.

Devil Reef will explore H. P. Lovecraft’s theme of underwater “Deep Ones” off the shore of Innsmouth, Massachusetts. You’ll also find out something unusual about Claire Barry as she steps forward to be a major character in book three.

I also learned more about book publishing this time around. I’m happy to say that I figured out how to get electronic versions of my books available on Apple’s iBookstore as well as at Barnes and Noble and (of course) Amazon. Now you can choose to buy your Miskatonic textbooks from a variety of sources.

Drop me a line if you have any trouble finding my books or if you have suggestions for a new one!

Best Regards,

Lawrence King
Author, Witch Tower, Haunted Hills.