Welcome To Miskatonic University

Hello Everyone,

I’m Lawrence, the writer of stories about Miskatonic University. I’ve tried to do something a little different. I’ve taken some of the gothic themes and locations of H. P. Lovecraft and updated them into modern times and with modern characters.

I’m almost finished writing book number two of the series, Haunted Hills, and plan to send it off for editing in October.

Witch Tower and The Interview (its short story prequel) are now available on Amazon as both Kindle and paperback novels.

I hope you enjoy my stories from Miskatonic University. I have three novels in various stages of completion and am also working on a book of short stories set in the same fictitious corner of Essex County in Massachusetts. If you sign up to be on my mailing list I’ll make sure you find out when new titles are available and I’ll also send you a link to a free short story.

Lawrence King
Author, The Interview, Witch Tower.

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